pub-9845186442971965 MEDICAL MALPRACTICE ADVOCACY | Pharm Arbiter
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Advocacy for Victims of Medical Malpractice

Advocacy for victims of medical malpractice

We are the voice for the helpless individuals who have suffered varying types of medical malpractice at the hands of health practitioners including Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses, Physiotherapists and Assistants.

Medical malpractice is professional negligence. Any act or omission by a health professional during treatment of a patient that deviates from accepted standard of practice in the medical community and causes an injury or death to the patient fits into the area of malpractice.


The substantial number of deaths and complications which result from medical negligence are often not well managed, which is gradually making it a norm in our part of the world.

The Four Parameters That Suggest Medical Malpractice has occurred

  • Whether or not there was a medical duty of care

  • Whether or not the duty of care was breached

  • Whether or not the breach caused the resultant injury

  • Damages caused to the victim

Our Passion

Our passion is to raise the awareness of healthcare system service users on the existence of medical malpractice, and to equip them with knowledge of the indicative signs. It is key that we emphasise the importance of standardisation among our health practitioners.


If you have recently visited a hospital in our part of the world, then, you are most likely to have an ordeal which we are keen to hear about.

Attached are 2 ordeal forms: one for healthcare system service users and one for healthcare professionals. These forms allow you to share your ordeals with others and receive emotional support and to create a heightened awareness of medical malpractice for advocacy purposes.

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