Juliet Chinelo

Aug 26, 20192 min

Stem cells drugs: the next generation of pharmaceutical products.

Updated: Sep 5, 2019

Stem cells drugs have been called everything from cure-alls to miracle treatments. I am actually not here to tell you if it is an exaggeration or not. The effectiveness of a good number of them in curtailing symptoms can not be denied despite the limited clinical trials, thus, go for if your life depends on it.

Microscopic view of stem cells

Heaps of stem cell drugs

Quite astonishing to notice that the main marketers of these drugs are our prestigious medical professionals who are supposed to be promoting rational drug use. In the mist of the hustle, the unscrupulous manufacturers use our medical professionals as tools to establish their marketing strategy in MLM form, which collides withe the already existing mess of open drug market resulting to a catastrophe that is beyond explanation.

Drug is a commodity people want to associate with in our part of the world, sales are maximized and numerous down liners recruited as well, thus, misleading drug information, poor storage condition, increase in adverse drug reaction and a host of other negative impacts of this quest follows. The hilarious part of the drama is that the same set of health professionals will return to the clinic and expect sick people to visit the health facility after projecting a claim that a drug can treat over 30 diseases with no side effect, consequently, hospital visit these days is often for dead certification. At is point, there is an urgent need to slow down and contend with the overwhelming effect in our society. Nigerians, Africa as a whole is a target continent for marketing all sorts of drugs, but before you drift to it. These are the reasons why Africa is the target:

Open drug market

Means of empowerment

Unavailability of research resources

High level of illiteracy

Epileptic national drug control systems

Poor border controls

Together we can say '' NO'' to irrational drug use, it is a canker-worm that has eaten deep into Africa and the world at large.
