My urinary incontinence at 30+ has been linked to my virginity this my doctor's antics?
The dignity and reward of celibacy is simply awesome from both religious and social perspective. However, sexual dry spells that leave us grouchy and indifferent(medically and socially) should not be totally ignored. Sex drought has got consequences as well and I feel the society should pay equal attention to both, hence, enabling people to adopt the right counteractive measures to tackle the drawbacks associated with the side they decide to stick to.
Six medical issues associated with celibacy and how to keep it on check:
1 Celibacy can weaken your bladder:
Sex is great for your Kegels, the muscles that help you hold in your wee. If you’re not having it, your pelvic floor muscles could weaken, leaving you with some dripping. To keep your Kegels strong, tighten your vagina muscles for three- five minutes then release. Repeat process couple or three times a day. The truth be told virginal muscle would be better exercised when actively engaged in sex at the appropriate age, thus if abstinence in the chosen lifestyle pelvic floor muscle exercise or Kegel should be deployed.
2 Weakens immune system:
Regular sex is an immune-system booster, increasing your ability to fight off illness. Researchers at wilkes university in pennsylvania found that people who engage in regular coitus have a higher concentration of antibodies than those who aren’t getting any booty. Antibodies are blood protein produced in response to and counteracting antigens recognized by the body as alien, such as bacteria, viruses and other foreign substance in the blood.
3 Your ideas suck more:
A University of Maryland study found that regular sex in rats made them smarter, with improved mental performance and increased neuron production to aid in long-term memories. If you’re not having sex, your neuron function isn’t necessarily getting slower, per say; but it also isn't getting any better. Why not get that nooky if you are either socially or religiously signed off!
4 Get ready to get stressed: Regular sex has been shown in numerous studies to relieve anxiety; and a 2006 study in the Biological Psychology Journal discovered that people who enjoyed regular penis-in-vag sex had better blood-pressure reactivity to stress lower baseline levels of anxiety, and a more chilled response to the things that normally might get their blood boiling.
5 Reduced tolerance for pain: Sex release the neurochemical oxytocin, which aids in pair bonding as well as pain relief. It’s basically nature's aspirin. If you suffer from chronic pain such as a bad back or regular, painful menstrual cramps, sex and orgasm can help alleviate some of those symptoms. If you’re not having sex, you’ll have to stick to analgesics and a heating blanket for your pain needs.
6 Sleeplessness or insomnia: One of the best parts of that post-orgasmic glow is the ease with which sleep comes. There is nothing better than a thorough love making section and then drifting off into a happy, contented slumber. According to WebMD, the hormone you release after sex, prolactin, causes feelings of “relaxation and sleepiness” and if you’re not having sex, you’re not releasing this hormone and therefore, sleep might not come that easily for you.
Pharmarbiter's Summary: Kindly go with a chaperone in your next appointment and calmly keep an eye on all the procedures during your examination as well as politely ask questions regarding some medical decisions you are comfortable with. If your questions to the Dr get flipped over and you still felt touched inappropriately during the examination section in the presence of your chaperone, then your guess might be right. However, urinary incontinency can be caused by weaken vaginal muscles and some many other factors. Please, introduce kegel into your daily exercise while adhering to your treatment plan and do not hesitate to contact us if you need further support.