Top 7 signs of medical malpractice
Updated: Oct 29, 2019
1 Non-existence of doctor-patient relationship: Over one-fifth of treatment plan decisions are made during consultation, so, it is a red card if the communication is not flowing between the two parties. 2 unexplained disease progression: Worsening of medical condition with no explanation, no effort to improve it and finally attributing it to spiritual attack at the lethal stage.
3 Patient's little or no knowledge about their diagnosis: if your Doctor is unwilling to discuss your diagnosis with you or feel you are too inquisitive,
then, that is an indicator that something is probably wrong.
4 Discrepancy between symptoms and diagnosis: If your symptoms do not match your diagnosis. There is every possibility that you have been misdiagnosed.
5 Outcome of laboratory investigations not received or discussed with the patient:
Certain diagnoses have accompanying test(s) that are essential for additional information. Samples were collected from you to run test and access to the result is your right.

6 Unnecessary tension among the healthcare professionals in the hospital: People are often unsettled when they bridging a procedure or doing something that is inappropriate. Watch out for the red flag!
7 Unlabeled dispensed drugs: Referring to drugs as "poisons" is no new word. In fact, it is ridiculous to accept any unlabeled drug because what goes into your body is a duty you own yourself.